Beginning Sunday, September 12th @ 9:30 am we begin a 6 week journey together of learning to Live Intentionally and Love Biblically! Our journey is going to take us through 6 critical themes for developing Marriages that are strong and built upon a firm foundation. Beginning Sept. 12th and concluding on Oct. 24th we'll be diving into:
Sept. 12th - Adjusting to Expectations: We all bring certain expectations into a marriage, rightly or wrongly. What do we do with those expectations when they are unfulfilled? Unmet expectations or unrealistic expectations are marriage killers! But there is hope and an answer for the question of "expectations."
Sept. 19th - Learning to Communicate Clearly: Dr. Norman Wright wrote a book years ago with the title, "Communication - the Key to your Marriage." What is your communication style? Are you sure that what you're trying to communicate was clearly understood? How important is communication to you? These are some of the questions we'll examine. We can ALL become better communicators - and we need to if we want to build marriages that last!
Sept. 26th - Breaking Down Walls: Unintentionally or intentionally, we begin to construct walls in our marriage. Walls protect, they shut out, they block off, they isolate! Walls break down what should be good, solid marriages. In this session we'll identify some of the walls and learn how to deal with them. We need to deal with them if we want to have open and honest communication and build a marriage that lasts.
Oct. 10th - Resolving Conflict: "A little conflict is healthy, right?" Perhaps! You can't help but have conflict when you bring two individuals together in an intimate relationship such as marriage. But how do you handle the conflict, that's the key to building a lasting marriage. We'll learn together how to D.I.F.U.S.E conflict in our marriages.
Oct. 17th - Restoring Sex and Intimacy: Have you heard this before, "Sex begins in the kitchen"? What is that all about? Sex has more to do with a loving, intimate relationship than the actual act of sex. Sex is a gift from God to married couples but it is enhanced, not through pornography, but through healthy, loving communication. Sitting down at the kitchen table to talk is the key to a healthy and fun sex life. Restoring sex to it's rightful place and growing in intimacy as a couple are two keys to building a marriage that lasts.
Oct. 24th - Striving for a Christ-Centered Marriage: A marriage that lasts through all the storms that come against it is one that has Christ at the center. Christ is the stablizing factor. Christ is the organizing factor. Christ is the model. If we can learn to build our marriages around how Christ loved and cared for the Church, we'll be building strong and lasting marriages that serve as models to our children and our grand children.