Friday, September 10, 2010
Going Back!
I am a bit overwhelmed with the challenge of preaching and teaching in Spanish. It has been sooooo many years since I've done that. Pray for the enabling of God's Spirit to be able to effectively communicate the Word of God to the church and to their invited friends. Pray for Avril as she has opportunity to sing; pray for a freedom in her spirit to not only enable people to worship but also to come to faith in Christ through her songs.
We have a full schedule. October 15 give a devotional to the young people. October 16 lead a seminar for the small group leaders. October 17 to 19th preach to the church and their invited guests in a mini evangelistic campaign. October 20 lead a seminar for the church leaders.
Very excited! Also very humbled! We need the grace of God to overshadow us so that we can accomplish God's purposes for our visit to Maracay.
More postings to follow. We'll let you know about the Country and the City and the Church. We'll walk you through our daily journey once we arrive.
Sooo excited!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Gideon - From Good to Not So Great
Gideon was a man of mediocrity. He battled fear, discouragement, and disbelief. Yet God slowly but surely moved Gideon from good to great. When Gideon finally believed God’s promises and acted upon them, the Lord used him to conquer the Midianites and save Israel.
If the story ended there Gideon would forever be remembered as a man of greatness. Unfortunately, not all stories have happy endings. Gideon did something that led not only his family, but his nation into disfavor with God. In one simple act Gideon went from good to not so great. His legacy is forever tarnished.
No man wants to go from good to not so great. No man wakes up one morning and decides that today would be a good day to ruin his legacy.
Casting Crowns sings a poignient song, "It's A Slow Fade". The chorus describes the slow fade,
Come and join us on this Saturday morning at 7:00 am at the "Band of Brothers" as we learn from Gideon's experience about how to detect and avoid the "slow fade."
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Marriage Built to Last
Legends - Joseph
This week our attention turns to another Legend of the faith, Joseph. We're going to get a glimpse into what it looks like for us to trust God's loving sovereignty. That describes Joseph for us. Joseph was just trying to be a dutiful son and remain faithful to God when he was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. A key phrase that describes Joseph's journey is found several times in Genesis, "The Lord was with Joseph."
- The Lord was with Joseph in Potiphar's household.
- The Lord was with Joseph in Prison.
- The Lord was with Joseph in Pharaoh's court.
Joseph understood that and so did those he encountered.
Band of Brothers, we'll be diving into this on Saturday morning. Make sure you're there at 7:00 for some coffee and thoughtful study and discussion about God's loving sovereignty. See you then!
Legends - Abraham
Around whom or what do you tend to build your sense of security? What happens to your world when everything you've depended upon for security is removed from you? Abraham is a lesson of NOT building our security around the "comfortable known" but rather around God.
So let me ask 5 questions based on Abraham's journey:
- Do I trust God with my future? Is his will part of my decision making? (Gen. 12:1-7)
- Do I trust God with my interests even when I seem to be receiving an unfair settlement? (Gen. 13:8-13)
- How have I demonstrated my continued trust in God during those times when I have been required to wait? (Gen. 15:7-11)
- In what occasions of my life have I acted simply in obedience to God, and not because I understood the significance of what I was doing? (Gen. 17:9-27)
- In what ways has my life demonstrated that I will not allow anything to come before God? (Gen. 22:1-12)
You've got to love Abraham! His response is seemingly immediate and childlike, "So Abrahm left, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abrahm was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran." Don't you love that! Seventy-Five years old and instead of settling into the nursing home he embarks on a journey that would cause most twenty-five year olds to think twice. You can do that when your security is not built on the "comfortable known" but rather built on the one who leads you into the "uncomfortable unknown" - God.